My Manifesto

What is a manifesto?

If you do research on the internet about a Writer’s manifesto, you will find the Miriam Webster definition of:  A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer.

To me, it’s more personal than that. It is the way I view the world and how I want to contribute to the world at large to make people’s lives better, if only for a few hours. Why? Because my reason to get out of bed every day is to inspire in people the joy of discovering new worlds and opportunities so that they may take that joy into their lives, even in a small way. It is to ignite in them their imagination to better possibilities.

My Manifesto

I believe in the power of words and will use words to inform, educate, entertain and spark imaginations. Never will I use words to bring shame and discomfort to someone else.

I accept the power of the imagination and the curiosity it spawns.

I strive to be a master storyteller – immersing people in the worlds I build, the characters I develop and lives they lead so that the readers can share in the fun. 

Storytelling is also the skill I use to paint possibilities for writers with the new technologies to help them in their work.

I treat everyone and everything with kindness and respect – where they will leave our encounter more joyful and feeling better.

I believe in a world where people are celebrated for both their differences and their commonality. Where people have the opportunity to blossom into their true, authentic selves.

I trust in my intuition and know the Universe always has my back.

I pursue life-enhancing opportunities which bring forth the true scope of my potential and of those who are on the journey with me.

I am persistence, perseverence and resilience in all parts of my life.

I do not tolerate cruelty and abuse to any person or animal. Therefore, I do not buy from companies who test their products on animals.